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I actually learned a lot from being a SEA Teacher in Undiksha Lab School. One thing is that I had longer patience when teaching students. I had it when I handled the "worst" class. I can't even believe myself that I did it because when I first observed them, it was really impossible for a mere student-teacher like me to make them participate in class. Thanks to the worst section for bringing out the best in me. Another thing that I learned from the lab school is to really respect another's culture and beliefs. When I saw the students praying after having their lunch, I was amazed of how they embrace and practice their beliefs with such young age. Last thing is the adjustment in the curriculum. For me, it was totally new to look at for it was very different from ours. I had a hard time adjusting and trying to prolong the topic for more than an hour where it could be done in less than an hour. I always forget that English is a foreign language to them and a second language to us.


As for the things I learned as a person during my stay in Bali, there are also a lot but the only thing I know is a good take away and a must-share is the perspective of how you appreciate and accept things. I saw the simplicity and contentment of the people around me and it made me realize that people don't need to have new and good things to be happy and to be beautiful. A young woman in our hotel once told me that every single person is beautiful, no matter how dark, fat, thin, tall, and short the person is. That time, I already know about it but I realized that I don't believe in it. So when the next days came and every time I see her, I am always reminded even as I type. I told myself that when I get back to the Philippines, I will try my best to spread it to the people I know. I also want to see them appreciate and accept things. With that thing that I learned, I can honestly say that insecurities are no longer with me. Aside from appreciating and accepting other things, I  accepted myself for who I am. I can say that I truly love myself now.


In conclusion, I would like to give thanks to SEAMEO who established this program. It is a great avenue to remove the barriers between the communication and affiliation of countries. Plus, the fact that one is immersed in another culture that makes one understand why and how things work in that culture. I would also like to thank UNDIKSHA who gave me the opportunity to have my practice teaching in their university. The students in the lab school are amazing and the student-teachers from main campus are very accommodating. I will never forget UNDIKSHA for it taught me many things I know I would be using as a teacher and as a person. I also thank my supervising teacher, Ibu Eka and cooperating teacher, Ibu Agita for helping me with the teaching matters. I would also like to give thanks to the staff of the Edutel because they are so friendly and helpful to the point when they let us taste traditional foods for free. Lastly, I give thanks to the people whom I knew and eventually became my friends - Recom, AJ, Regine, Joey, Ben, Apple, Trisna, Chaca, Indah, Rangga, Nita, Miss Dwi, Miss Mira, Miss Efi, Miss Eka, Bli Pande and many more. You made my one-month stay an unforgettable one and the happiest experience by far. 


This program doesn't only build potential teachers but also ignites a fire for relationships.



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